vehicle requests

Book a car from a smartphone or laptop in a few clicks.

staff management

View trip history, purposes, and chat with employees in the app.

car sharing

Use fewer cars to transport more employees.

fleet analytics

See how staff uses company cars & how much it costs for the business.

automated Payments

Calculate driver payments based on rides, mileage, or driving hours.

GOFER platform explained

Discover GOFER features, benefits, and implementation examples with Beenu. See how the platform changes corporate transport management, just like Uber changed taxi services.

Request live demo     GOFER on KLOUDLIVE


unveil GOFER

WEB platform

Company transport management centre.

driver app

Uber-like app for company drivers.   

passenger app

The app to interact with drivers and managers

Manager app

The app to manage requests and book vehicles.


The interface for service administrators, managers, and dispatchers to:

  • Digitalize corporate transport structure and access it on a laptop;
  • Manage vehicle requests and interact with drivers & passengers;
  • Analyze car usage and plan how to optimize;
  • Track employee activities outside the office; 
  • Manage transportation budgets.

Request demo     GOFER in Action


Watch vehicle request, usage, and cost analytics updated in real-time.


View all vehicles with detailed descriptions on one screen.


Create, view, accept or decline car requests, & assign them to drivers,

Billing service

Allocate and manage transport budgets for departments/branches.

ride details

Access mileage, costs, receipts, and other trip documents in one click.


View employee trips purposes, movement history, and live locations.

GOFER mobile applications

How it works

Why manage company transport with GOFER?

minimum paperwork

Find all requests, approvals, transport catalogues, and billing docs on your laptop, instead of filing cabinet.

Satisfied customers

Ensure that your employees always get vehicles on time and are never late for meetings with customers.

Lower expenses guaranteed

Cut transportation costs with fewer private trips, honest driver payments, and smart car sharing.

organized transport

Bring all transport processes on one screen and allows managing each in a few clicks.

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